Pengen cerita tentang perjalanan cinta gue deh rasanya, tapi gimanaaa yaaaaa? gue sendiri malah jadi bingung mau ceritanya. Setiap orang pasti pengen cerita cintanya bahagiakan?dan sama gue pun juga berharap sama kayak gitu. Kata orang masa SMA adalah masa yang sangat indah untuk masalah persahabatannya,pengalamannya, dan terutama percintaannya, but i feel so diferent. Gue ngerasa ini sebuah kesalahan tapi entah kenapa gue masih selalu nekat maju buat dia. Percaya ga sih lo sama kata-kata "Dream Will Come True".......?
yappp gue lah salah satu orang yang percaya dengan kata-kata itu. Yah walaw pun mimpi gue sebenernya sederhana, tapi bagi gue mimpi ini cukup berarti.
Bukan mimpi yang sesungguhnya buat dijadiin cita-cita tapi mimpi mengenai perasaan gue sendiri terhadap seseorang yang sangat angkuh, jutek, pendiem, tapiii tetep stay cool dan ganteng kok bagi gue haahahaaa.
So let's learn my story now.
my first time i saw you, if you demo exskul
pertama kali gue ketemu dan ngeliat lu pas.....
and the first time make me
hahay bisa dibilang cerita awalnya ini kayak lagunya slank "PANDANGAN PERTAMA" yihhaaa!!
i just can...
After 2 years I love you, and you know it. but you never can see how great my love for you. I knew I was an outcast. without you explain that I understand. sorry i love you this long. I love you more happy in my own way, to see you from a distance was enough for me. I know I'm stupid. but believe me I have a big dream to own you. until now I'm still waiting for you. only by my love for you I can survive
I know you feel this.....

If you feel that.....
I know when I'm crying can not
change anything between you and me. but this
time I cried for pursuing any feelings that you
never know. I
never regretted my feelings on you,
that does not reciprocated. but I regret that
my ignorance.
but i'm try....
but it is not easy as you think!!
i could only smile
i'm just...
"I waited and waited for you to come but you didn't. I will wait for you even if it takes one
thousand years. Although I miss you, I know one day, even if I get to see you
for just a second, I will never give up and I will wait for you. Even if the
sun has set and the moon had gone up into the sky, I will still wait for you.
If it is a cold winter night, I will wait for you, not caring about what people
say about me, I will wait for you even if it takes a thousand years. No one
will have a chance to take away your place inside my heart. I will wait for
you, I hope I get to see you one day"
I'm Never....
didn't give up, I still continued waiting...I waited from morning to night, you
didn't turn up, I stood there, I could feel the sea water rushing against my
legs....There I stood waiting for you, but you didn't turn up that night, I
found out that loving someone was to wait for them in stead of being
impatient...I decided to wait for you, no matter how long it takes, I will wait
for you, I will wait, I will wait for a thousand years for you,only you"
But You......

tapi dia membuang cinta gue gitu aja, dicuekin sampe basi... padahal dia tau keadaan perasaan gue sama dia kiww~ tragis banget ye kisah gue. Kalah deh Romeo juliet hahaaaha.
Yahh tapi itu lah adanya, tapi dia juga
Okeee now, apa yang kalian pikirin setelah ngeliat 3 gambar diatas?? hayo apaaa?
jawabannya simple cuma "jealous" yah atau "cemburu".

tapiii nih yah kalo yang namanya sedih sih iya, ga bisa diboongin semua keadaan itu. Tapi saat gue sedih yang tahu juga cuman gue ga ada yang lain. Karna gue bukan orang yang bisa berbagi sama orang lain kalo masalah kesedihan. Dan tololnya guee nih yaaa, saat gue tau dia jadian sama SI CANTIK gue ngelakuin......

sambil dengerin lagunya voiceless and soulastic alhasil yang membuat air mata gue ga bisa berhanti maluncurrrr turuh ke bawah bergabung bersama ingus dadakan yang biasa keluar wakaka. Berasa ada banjir bandang tiba-tiba yahhh wkkww.
that's how i feel........!!!!! so fu*k yeah!!
I Will......
yahhhh itu lah gue yang sekarang.... kahidupan yang masih bener-bener stack and flat -_- Masih bener-bener belom bisa move on, tapi masih berusaha buat ngelupain dia!! Ya Allah semoga bisaaaaa please bisa bisa dong. SEMANGAT MOVE ON!!!! (")9
dan nemuin orang yang better than him banget
dan nemuin orang yang better than him banget
And My Dream Is......
Dan sebenernya mimpi gue adalahhhh....

okeee masih panjang ceritanya lanjut nanti yaa kapan kapan~
silahkan ditunggu post selanjutnya~ BABAAAY :D
silahkan ditunggu post selanjutnya~ BABAAAY :D
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