Development is a process towards improving the standard of living of society as a whole and are dynamic. Development held in urban and rural areas are very different views on the various aspects of planning and design. City is a geographical area where a number of residents live with a relatively high density, the main activity of non-agricultural sector. Urban has undergone many developments and changes very rapidly in the building sector. As urban areas are located adjacent to each other woke consists of residential buildings, commercial, industrial, government, transportation infrastructure, and others.
National activity centers located in urban areas have service areas on a national scale. According government policy, urban areas are used to develop service-based city good governance and became the center of the country. City as a development environment should not be made freely by the construction of concrete buildings, so difficult to obtain green open space (RTH) remaining in urban areas. The more green open space at least, this raises the city became barren and gray skies because of pollution.
Urban areas as the economic center of the country, becoming one of the magnets for the venture community in urban areas. The number of people from rural to urban areas (urbanization) has led to increasing population density in urban areas (urban densification) and the expansion of suburbs (urban sprawling). The occurrence of the regional growth led to the formation of a new county or city. Urbanization and industrialization makes the phenomenon which causes a significant increase in population and demand for residential land in urban areas is increasing. Development of the region woke up due to meet housing needs and other places of activity, and this has been sacrificed and the presence of green belt rice fields.
Approach to urban design that is mostly done rarely accommodate the diversity of environmental structure that has formed the region. The designers of the city more often see the city as a physical object rather than as aligning economic and environmental life.
Environmentally Friendly Foundation Materials
The government should be wise promote environmentally-friendly urban development and using the latest technology efficiently. Community was not immune to be proactive in the development of environmentally friendly construction technologies. It has been a lot of new material that can be used to remain eco-friendly development. Some manufacturers have created products with new innovations that minimize environmental contamination, and the overall energy savings. Put simply explained that the selection of environmentally friendly materials can be seen from the two goals of the technology and usage.
In terms of technology, the selection of materials and avoid the toxins produced are not contrary to nature. Environmentally friendly technologies and high quality raw materials are getting cheaper and easier to obtain. Examples that have been promoting the development of environmentally friendly technologies are precast concrete (precast) are applied in a non-toll road overpass Casablanca and Antasari-Blok M and some buildings in Jakarta. Precast concrete is present as a more practical alternative, building a house foundation, and construction of roads. Precast concrete (precast) made from a mixture of material environmentally friendly materials, so that the final product has a precast concrete natural appearance. Precast concrete is concrete material that had been made at the factory in accordance with the form of prints ordered, then the molded concrete will be transported and installed into a building construction site. Precast concrete is an option because it is a product of superior domestic as well as more environmentally friendly, because the project site is not much dirt from the remains of concrete and begesting. Other advantage is no effect on the weather. Until 2010, the precast concrete to fill about 25 percent of the total concrete market. Precast concrete construction industry is now able to compete in international markets.
Environmentally friendly concept has also penetrated into the world of sanitation. Septic tanks with biological filter (biological filter septic tanks) made of fiberglass designed with special technology to not pollute the environment, has gradually decomposition system, equipped with disinfectant system, saving land, leak or not permeable, corrosion resistance, easy installation and fast, as well as does not require special care. Decomposition of biological impurities and filtering is done gradually through three different sections.
Materials cement, ceramic, brick, aluminum, glass, and steel as the primary raw material in the manufacture of a building plays an important role in realizing the concept of environmentally friendly buildings. To frame the main building, roof, window sills, and doors using wood materials are now being replaced mild steel and aluminum materials. Framework of the roof and the building of steel has the advantage of a stronger, stainless, antikeropos, antirayap, flexible, easy to install, and lighter so it does not burden the construction and foundation. Aluminum be selected for recommendation to reduce the transmission of heat, energy-efficient, cost-effective, more powerful, durable, stainless, there are a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes with texture variations. Aluminum has another advantage, namely, reusable, poison-free, maintenance-free and termites.
Should be noted that the wall material is capable of absorbing the sun's heat well. Natural brick or brick fabricating light (a mixture of sand, lime, cement, and other materials) have the characteristics of fire-resistant, strong against high pressure, low water absorption, soundproof, and absorbing the sun's heat significantly.
In terms of usage, the selection of green materials such as using energy efficient lighting such as LED lamps are low power consumption, instant cement is practical and efficient, or selecting a faucet that uses tap water so only put in a certain volume capacity. Furthermore, the use of solar cell panels can alleviate the need for electrical energy in a building and minimize case of fire, electrical surge, and cost-effective.
Building harmony and Environment
Many options to start construction in urban areas. The wisest choice is to start from the spatial planning sustainable cities. Planning and environmental management are expected to be applied continuously or ongoing in order to achieve optimal use of natural resources and minimization of environmental destruction. Bewawasan sustainable development environment is done as a conscious and deliberate effort, which integrates the environment with the resources into the development process to ensure the ability, well-being and quality of life of present and future generations.
Industrial or household frequently dump the waste water environment without notice. Arrangements need to be made household waste disposal and industrial waste that is not directly into the river. Small-scale water treatment system made by recycling waste water everyday, and make biopori infiltration wells and holes as needed. Conducted a variety of industries that require large amounts of ground water are not controlled and resulted in the availability of soil water. To anticipate the clean water crisis, penetralisasian needs to be done by each industry sector by way of a reduction in water consumption (reduce), reuse of water for various purposes as well (reuse), recycling of effluent water (recycle), and groundwater recharge (recharge) .
The allocation of a very large city area to area businesses sometimes overlook public space and recreation are needed by the townspeople. Green space is very useful to ensure the sustainability of the lungs of the city. Green open space also serves to anticipate the impact of global warming and environmental heating. The development of green public open space can be done by merefungsikan green land, which is still another function, and ecological restoration of land or green belt and degraded because of man.
Mandated green open space shall be 30% in accordance with Act 26 of 2007 on Spatial Planning. Law Number 26 Year 2007 on Spatial Planning defines urban areas as areas that have major non-agricultural activities with formation as a function of the area of urban settlements, concentration and distribution of government services, social services, and economic activities.
Indonesian urban development should be more proactive cooperation with developed countries to design environmentally sound urban development. WWF Indonesia and ICLEI has begun to demonstrate the commitment to low-emission urban development (LEDS) and Earth Hour City Challenge (EHCC). EHCC invited to participate in a low-carbon development plans are comprehensive, holistic, inspiring and credible, with particular emphasis on solutions and the transition to the use of renewable energy. ICLEI comes to building a sustainable development initiatives at the local level and global level continues. In addition, ICLEI encourages towns to build sustainable urban infrastructure, efficient based biodiversity protection, low carbon development and green economic development based on the pattern of the urban economy. Greener environment makes the business district will not require large amounts of cooling and the public can also get a more shaded area. This is the reason shopping areas in many developed countries is converted into a green area. To be more environmentally friendly architecture can be realized in Indonesia, which was adapted from various developed countries in the world.
Development and establishment of urban buildings must go through a strict and consistent licensing of local government with the provision of infrastructure and environmental considerations. Urban development should not only pay attention to balance and the economy in the city, but also should take into account the relationship amongst towns and relationships associated environmental sustainability. Society must be able to actively and critically in urban development environments berpondasi.
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